Ternyata Game Tidak Hanya Dibuat Dengan Software Ajak Gan, Kita Busa Membuatnya Tanpa banyak2 Software Yang Digunakan Cukup Hanya Dengan Notepad atau Text Editor Kesayangan Sobat.....
Kita Langsung Ajak Ke Projekknya
Pertama-tama kita buka notepad atau teks editor kesyangan sobat, disini saya memnggunakan SynWrite....
Agan Bisa Download Di Disini
copy paste kode dibawah ini :
@echo off
title Magic Of The QuiZz
color ff
color 0a
echo Welcome On The game! Enjoy To Play!
echo This Game Create By Azwar Anas
echo Link blog : http://anas-tav.blogspot.com
echo 1) Play!
echo 2) How To Play
echo 3) Home
set /p number=
if %number% == 1 goto Play!
if %number% == 2 goto How To Play
if %number% == 3 goto Exit
echo How Is Your name:
set /p name=
echo Halo %name%!
echo Are you going to start quiz? (Y/N)
set /p start=
if %start% == Y goto level1
if %start% == N goto menu
goto Play!
:How To play
echo Select Your True Answer?
echo Goto menu? (Y/N)
set /p menugoto=
if %menugoto% == Y goto menu
if %menugoto% == N goto exit
goto How To Play
goto Exit
echo ok now start.
echo how results 10 + 10?
echo a) 1
echo b) 20
echo c) 500
set /p answer1=
if %answer1% == a goto wrong1
if %answer1% == b goto correct1
if %answer1% == c goto wrong1
goto level1
echo Your Answer Is correct, Next To Level 2?(Y/N)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == Y goto level2
if %NL1% == N goto menu
goto correct1
Echo Your Answer Is Not correct, Pliese try Again? (Y/N)
set /p WA1=
if %WA1% == Y goto level1
if %WA1% == N goto menu
goto wrong1
echo Who Linux Mascot Name?
echo a) Tux
echo b) Liona
echo c) David
echo d) Tom
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto correct2
if %aa% == b goto wrong2
if %aa% == c goto wrong2
if %aa% == d goto wrong2
goto level2
echo Your Answer Is correct, Next To Level 3?(Y/N)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == Y goto level3
if %NL1% == N goto menu
goto correct2
echo Your Answer Is Not correct, Plise try Again? (Y/N)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == Y goto level1
if %retry% == N goto exit
goto wrong2
echo Who Name Pioneer Linux?
echo a) Thomas Alfa E.
echo b) James Watt
echo c) Linux Torvald
set /p answer3=
if %answer3% == a goto wrong3
if %answer3% == b goto wrong3
if %answer3% == c goto correct3
goto level3
echo Your Answer Is correct, Next To Level 4?(Y/N)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == Y goto level4
if %NL1% == N goto menu
goto correct3
echo Your Answer Is Not correct, Plise try Again?(Y/N)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == Y goto level3
if %retry% == N goto exit
goto wrong3
echo who is the inventor of the light?
echo a)Thomas Alvadison
echo b)Johan Edvard
echo c)John Shore
echo d)Samuel Miller
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto correct4
if %aa% == b goto wrong4
if %aa% == c goto wrong4
if %aa% == d goto wrong4
goto level4
echo Your Answer Is correct, Next To Level 5?(Y/N)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == Y goto level5
if %NL1% == N goto menu
goto correct4
echo Your Answer Is Not correct, Plise try Again?(Y/N)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == Y goto level4
if %retry% == N goto exit
goto wrong4
echo how the results of -20:(-2)?
echo a)10
echo b)5
echo c)20
set /p answer5=
if %answer5% == a goto correct5
if %answer5% == b goto wrong5
if %answer5% == c goto wrong5
goto level5
echo Your Answer Is correct, Next To Level 6?(Y/N)
set/p NL1=
if %NL1% == Y goto level6
if %NL1% == N goto menu
goto correct1
echo Your Answer Is Not correct, Plise try Again?(Y/N)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == Y goto level5
if %retry% == N goto exit
goto wrong5
echo Inventors Who Bacteria?
echo a)Luna
echo b)Alexander Fleming
echo c)Alexander Grahambell
echo d)Muhammad Faqih`
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto wrong6
if %aa% == b goto correct6
if %aa% == c goto wrong6
if %aa% == d goto wrong
goto level6
echo Your Answer Is correct, Next To Level7?(Y/N)
set/p NL1=
if %NL1% == Y goto level7
if %NL1% == N goto menu
goto correct7
echo Your Answer Is Not correct, Plise try Again?(Y/N)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == Y goto level7
if %retry% == N goto exit
goto wrong7
echo how the results of -40:2:(-4)?
echo a)13
echo b)20
echo c)5
set/p answer7=
if %answer7% == a goto wrong7
if %answer7% == b goto wrong7
if %answer7% == c goto correct7
goto level7
echo Your Answer Is correct, Next To Level8? (Y/N)
set/p NL1=
if %NL1% == Y goto level8
if %NL1% == N goto menu
goto correct7
echo Your Answer Is Not correct, Plise try Again?(Y/N)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == Y goto level7
if %retry% == N goto exit
goto wrong7
echo Who is the President of Americans Now?
echo a)Barrak Obama
echo b)SBY
echo c)Soekarano
echo d)Moh.Hatta
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto correct8
if %aa% == b goto wrong8
if %aa% == c goto wrong8
if %aa% == d goto wrong8
echo Your Answer Is correct, Next To Level9?(Y/N)
set/p NL1=
if %NL1% == Y goto level9
if %NL1% == N goto menu
goto correct8
echo Your Answer Is Not correct, Plise try Again?(Y/N)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == Y goto level8
if %retry% == N goto exit
goto wrong8
echo how the results of 3x(-2)=
echo a)-100
echo b)400
echo c)-6
set /p answer9=
if %answer9% == a goto wrong9
if %answer9% == b goto wrong9
if %answer9% == c goto correct9
goto level9
echo Your Answer Is correct, Next To Level 10?(Y/N)
set/p NL1=
if %NL1% == Y goto level10
if %NL1% == N goto menu
goto correct1
echo Your Answer Is Not correct, Plise try Again?(Y/N)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == Y goto level9
if %retry% == N goto exit
goto wrong9
echo Who the inventor of the telephone?
echo a)James Bon
echo b)Muhammad Faqih
echo c)Alexander Grahambell
echo d)SBY
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto wrong10
if %aa% == b goto wrong10
if %aa% == c goto correct10
if %aa% == d goto wrong10
goto level10
echo =============================================
echo http://anas-tav.blogspot.com
echo =============================================
goto correct10
set/p retry=
if %retry% == Y goto level1
if %retry% == N goto exit
goto wrong10
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Cara Membuat Game Menggunakan Notepad Part 1
Friday, June 21, 2013
Cara Membuat Game Menggunakan Notepad Part 1
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